• Packers / fillers
• Baggers
• Balers
• Complete packaging and wrapping.

Flours- Grains- Teas- Confectionery
Snacks pet food
Gas conditioning:

• Dust collectors
• Heat exchangers
• Combustion and pyro process cooling towers
• Burners for rotary kilns
• Valve trains for gas and liquid fuels
• Hot gases generator
• High efficiency cyclones
• Calciners
• Preheater towers optimization
• Clorine bypass
Material handling:

• Air canons
• Bucket elevators (belt or chain)
• Pan conveyors

Active and passive safety systems
in fuel preparation:

• Explosion venting design
• Gas monitoring under ATEX directive
• Inert gas injection under ATEX directive

Potato starch-based adhesives for paper bag manufacturers
• Quick drying
• Low Splashing
• High performance